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I Think I Need A Service Dog... Now What?!?

So you have found yourself looking for additional treatments when therapy, medication, etc aren't enough. You are wondering if you qualify for a service dog, if your family will be supportive, or if your doctor will agree that it is a needed addition to your treatment plan. You may also be wondering if a service dog may be able to help you; You have no idea where to start and you're worried that you may not be able to afford or handle the extra attention that a service dog brings to you. Well, it isn't a cookie cutter answer but we are here to help! 


To the right you will find some links on service dog laws as a place to start learning. We also recommend you message or email with us and if you are close enough come out on an outing with us. We also arrange meet & greets with some of our former/current clients so they can share their experiences to help you gauge the good, bad, and hardships. 



We provide services to help find breeders, litters, and temperament test puppies for service work. We also will take in rehome dogs occasionally that are good candidates for service work and will match them with clients and then help them to train them. We also offer fully trained dogs and started service dogs on top of our owner-trained program.


Service Dog Reading List

ADA Law:


ADA Frequently Asked Questions:


DOJ's new ADA beta site:


More resources coming soon....

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